
Marjolijn Dijkman (1978, NL) is an artist and co-founder of Enough Room for Space, living and working in Brussels (BE) & Lahaymeix (FR).

She graduated from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2001, the MFA Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam in 2003, and was a researcher at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht in 2006 – 2007.

She is currently part of the artistic research cluster Deep Histories Fragile Memories as a Ph.D. candidate at LUCA—School of Arts Brussels / Leuven University, supervised by Wendy Morris and Kyveli Mavrokordopoulou (2023-2027).

In 2005, Dijkman founded Enough Room for Space (ERforS) with Maarten Vanden EyndeEnough Room for Space is an interdependent art organization that initiates experimental collaborative research projects. ERforS tends to act as freely as possible, challenging the barriers between disciplines (artistic, scientific, or activist).

Artist Statement

Marjolijn Dijkman is a research-based and multi-disciplinary artist using film, photography, sculpture, and installation. Her practice focuses on the points where culture intersects with other fields of inquiry. The works themselves are speculative, partly based on facts and research, but often brought into the realm of the imagination. She works on multiyear process-based research projects, resulting in various works, discursive events, exhibitions, and publications.

Dijkman’s work concerns residues of enlightenment ideology, manifestations of collective memory, and blind spots of representation. Her working method interweaves and investigates collective narratives concerning the commons, broadly construed. Her practice explores ideas underpinning the categorical fields of scientific research and museology and analyses the mainstream propagation of images, cultural norms, and the exploitation of natural resources.

She has an intuitive and artistic approach and aims to reveal hidden stories and relations that might be overlooked. Dijkman involves audiences in direct experiences that can enhance emphatic relationships with their surroundings. Production is often an experimental and innovative creation process involving other scientists, technicians, and artisans. For the past two decades, She has realized projects on various types of knowledge production, including social history museums, scientific fields (e.g., astronomy, macro-biology, electricity), and forms of the collective imagination.


“Dijkmans practice development over the last ten years can be defined as Decoding the Coloniser’s Mind. The decoding of the coloniser’s mindset requires identifying the evolution of the Enlightenment into contemporary practices, despite the prevailing opinion among many scholars that the fall of the Nazi regime ended the Enlightenment project and the colonial reflex.” from Decoding the Coloniser’s Mind by Galit Eilat (2020)




Studio & Enough Room for Space
Sterstraat 10 Rue de l’Etoile
1620 Drogenbos, Belgium

+32 485 646 146


Potsdamer str. 72
10785 Berlin, Germany

+49 309 228 3788