Electrify Everything


2023 - 2024

 Electrify Everything, Biennale NOVA_XX, Paris, FR (2024)

The live performance ‘Electrify Everything’ translates the seductive and captivating magic of demonstrations of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment into a critical exploration of the origins of the units and language used to measure electricity. The field of electricity has been developed, manipulated, and named for three centuries to control and apply it. 

‘Electrify Everything’ invites the audience to reflect on the structuring power of electricity and its relation to resources and exploitation. Pom Bouvier-b. and Marjolijn Dijkman use an experimental technique that brings the organicity back into a phenomenon that, by nature, through the displacement of elementary particles of matter, is dynamic and living. Together, they have developed experimental musical tools to play live with electric currents. They will create a sound composition using the electric charge of specific objects and devices as a medium, playing on the variations of magnetic fields. 

The visual contributions by Marjolijn Dijkman are produced with a high-voltage electro-photography technique in which the artist uses a discharge plate made of conductive glass with a tin coating, the same material used in touch screens. By making visible microscopic electrical interactions, electricity becomes an actor, adopting an almost animistic character. Besides these cinematographic images, Dijkman visually explores the language and visual identity of the terminology of electricity.

Jean Katambayi Mukendi wrote a text for the performance based on the language of electricity. The units of electricity create different chapters that explore the history and the current state of energy production in an associative and poetic interpretation of electric terminology. Trained as an electrician, his works are part of a search for solutions to social problems in Congolese society and the country’s depletion of its enormous energy resources. The recorded text is read and performed by François Makanga.

Electrify Everything, booklet with the text by Jean Katambayi at Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Photo: Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed, 2023

Electrify Everything
Experiments and Observations on Electricity

Live sound performance: Pom Bouvier-b.
Live film and graphics: Marjolijn Dijkman (text in ENG)
Text: Jean Katambayi Mukendi (adapted for vocal performance)
Voice: François Makanga (spoken in French, also available in English)

Produced in the framework of On-Trade-Off
Supported by: QO2, Brussels, BE; Framer Framed, Amsterdam, NL; gmem-CNCM Marseille, FR; Dutch Embassy Brussels.

Past Performances:
Framer Framed, Amsterdam, NL (2023)
CIVA, Brussels, BE (2024)
Biennale NOVA_XX, Paris, FR (2024)
Kunsthalle Mulhouse, Mulhouse, FR (2024)

Coming up:
Mu.ZEE & KAAP, Ostend, BE (29 June 2024)

Teaser for ‘Electrify Everything’ recorded at Framer Framed without live projection (1:42 min.)
‘Electrify Everything’ with live sound composition by Pom Bouvier b., live film projection by Marjolijn Dijkman, and a recorded text by Jean Katambayi spoken by François Makanga, Biennale NOVA_XX, Paris, FR (2024)
Electrify Everything, Biennale NOVA_XX, Paris, FR (2024)
Marjolijn Dijkman and Pom Bouvier b. experimenting with sound frequencies produced by electric light sources, photo: Caroline Profanter, Q-O2, Brussels, 2022
All the sounds part of the performance are generated by different electric light sources and devices, using solar panels and different types of microphones. Photo of Electrify Everything (2023) at Framer Framed, Amsterdam. Photo: © Maarten Nauw / Framer Framed.